This week we are shining a light on ETF (Edinburgh Tenants Federation).

How long have you been at Norton Park?

13 years and 7 months

How many staff do you have based here?


Tell us a little about the work (or activity) that you do?

 ETF is the umbrella organisation for tenants’ and residents’ groups in the city of Edinburgh and a Registered Tenant Organisation. ETF’s overall aim is to represent tenants throughout Edinburgh, ensuring tenant influence in housing policy and service decisions with the City of Edinburgh Council (CEC) and the Scottish Government.  ETF’s primary objective is to improve housing conditions and standards, along with the quality of life of all CEC tenants.

Why is Norton Park such a good place for you to be based? 

Norton Park is an ideal location for us as it’s relatively central based in Edinburgh.  The Conference Centre is an ideal location to hold various meetings as we don’t have to look for venues outwith Norton Park.  The meeting rooms are ideal as well with first class facilities. Bobby and Malky are extremely helpful in everything that they do and Anne Marie, Jimmy and the Norton Park board have made some welcomes changes to the décor and layout of Norton Park.    

What sentence best sums up Norton Park?

An ideal office space with plenty of excellent facilities and a very friendly team who go that extra mile to help out whenever they can.